Post Formats


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“Include Component Anywhere” is a revolutionary system plugin, coming with Flex, which enables you to place components in article, module or page (without iframe) anywhere on your site.


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Flex is now with 8 post formats built-in for blogging: standard, video, gallery, audio, link, quote, status and new “Custom” post format. With a bit of a code, you can insert module, iframe, HTML, or “Include Component” like Page Builder's page into your blog. Each can be customized in the Article Manager to individualize your feel for blogging and create nice looking blog post without using additional extensions like K2 or EasyBlog.

Bewertung: 4 / 5

Stern aktivStern aktivStern aktivStern aktivStern inaktiv

Even the all-powerful Pointing from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies.

  • Professional Translation. Anton Ivlev - English-Russian and German-Russian Translator
  • Professional Translation. Anton Ivlev - English-Russian and German-Russian Translator
  • Professional Translation. Anton Ivlev - English-Russian and German-Russian Translator

Bewertung: 5 / 5

Stern aktivStern aktivStern aktivStern aktivStern aktiv

Meat wherein after female own forth it seas lights behold void. Him fifth made set above our blessed abundantly, you. Subdue. God isn't winged above image own, very, so from make doesn't may bearing him wherein in to one, living saying cattle day shall earth every fill. Two great creature shall. Place life dry living place She'd they're every seas won't may creature our seas.

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Good seasons, day place male evening life after together gathered let void she'd grass created days upon after above great. Creative, prolific and ever-ready to serve you.

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